About Dr. Biegeleisen

Dr. Ken Biegeleisen has specialized in the treatment of venous diseases all his professional life, starting long before the AMA even recognized "Phlebology" (the Art & Science of treating diseases of veins) as a specialty.  In practice over 30 years, he is among the very most experienced practitioners in the nation.

He attended Cornell University (Arts and Sciences) and the New York University School of Medicine, graduating from the prestigious Medical Scientist Training Program with the combined degrees of M.D. and Ph.D. (Biochemistry).

Following a brief stint at Westchester County Medical Center, he proceeded immediately to study vein diseases in the office of his father, Dr. H.I. Biegeleisen (1903-1991).  The elder Dr. Biegeleisen was America's premier specialist in the non-surgical treatment of venous diseases for most of the 20th century.  (In those days, such an "apprenticeship" was the only way to learn vein treatment in the United States).

Dr. Ken Biegeleisen opened his own office in New York in 1980, at a time when the total number of dedicated Phlebologists in the entire United States could be counted on the fingers of one hand. He soon began publicizing this work, making appearances on several evening news programs, as well as TV and radio talk shows.  His practice was featured in articles in Glamour, Ladies Home Journal, Harper's Bazaar, and numerous other leading health and beauty magazines.

(Click here to see some of these magazine write-ups)

He also co-founded the Phlebology Society of America, which was this nation's first medical society devoted exclusively to peripheral vascular disease. He organized and ran a number of international venous symposia, which attracted leading authorities on the surgical and non-surgical treatment of venous diseases from all over the world.

Dr. Biegeleisen is no longer active in medical politics, concentrating instead upon the delivery of high-quality patient care, and the development of better methods of diagnosing and treating vein disease.  His research culminated in the Venoscope, a sophisticated diagnostic and treatment catheter which will soon bring Phlebology into the 21st century.

At the present time, unfortunately, the field of venous medicine remains hopelessly stuck in the past, due to its powerful financial attachment to primitive methods of treatment. Nevertheless, a simplified version of the Venoscope is already in use in virtually every hospital in the United States.  Incredibly, although Dr. Biegeleisen's authorship of this new technology is not seriously disputed by any medical or legal authority, he nevertheless receives no royalties, because his technology has been openly expropriated (by at least 8 companies, at last count).

Fortunately, he does not care about royalties, and the fight for better treatment methods will continue.

This story is not over.


To read about Dr. Biegeleisen's other (non-medical) activities, click here.




Ken Biegeleisen, M.D., Ph.D.
19 East 80th Street
New York, N.Y. 10075
